We are a reckoned entity offering a wide variety of Yucca plants to our esteem patrons. Yucca Golden Sword that we offer has sword-shaped yellow leaves with a dark green edge. Yucca can be easily grown and is known to tolerate a wide range of soil conditions as long as soil is not too wet. Our enterprise has gained a remarkable reputation in the Indian as well as overseas market, owing to our extremely disease free Yucca varieties. Our comprehensive range of Yucca varieties includes Yucca Bright Edge, Yucca Elephantipes Green, Yucca Silver Star, Yucca Color Guard, Yucca Bright Edge, Yucca Golden Sword, Yucca Gloriosa Varigata and many more such varieties. The plant has different characteristics like tts leaf tips at times droop with age, its foliage color can be best seen from fall to spring, it grows to nearly two feet in height and three feet in width and further, during the summer season, it produces a 6-foot-tall spike covered with nodding, fragrant, white bell-shaped flowers.