Our enterprise offers a wide gamut of Aloe that is widely acknowledged for its optimal medicinal properties. The succulent leaves of our Aloe Vera plants are one of nature's ideal miracles. Aloe Vera Gel obtained from the sap of this plant is extensively used to relieve the pain of burns, rashes, insect bites and various other skin irritations. By applying this aloe gel to the irritated area, the oxygen flow to the area is augmented that helps to speed the process of healing. This gel is very effective in heeling and it is applied on the face. Hygienically processed from healthy plants, the gel protects the skin from the external harsh conditions. Further, the Aloe Vera juice obtained from this plant is widely used by cosmetics, shaving cream, tooth paste, soap industries. It is a healthy drink that has a special effect antibiotic function, constipation, fatigue recovery, effective skin supplement, digestion disability, antidote and good metabolism function.